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Special Occasion Speeches

Where do you go when you need one fast?

Occasional Words is a website that specializes in delivering special occasion speeches straight to your inbox. Professionally written with a wide variety of topics, these are speeches that you can count on.

How do I know? Well, I checked them out. I looked at their website and then read their speeches. They go above-and-beyond by not just providing special occasion speeches, but also free public speaking tips to help you get on your way (you'll find the tips if you click the link in the box on their web page that starts with "The 10 Things You Must Know...").

Check out some of their topics:

  • Business speeches. Awards, promotions, conferences, holidays, morale, motivation, and more!
  • Retirement. Retiring boss, navy/army, reply by retiree, etc.
  • Bnai/Bnot Mitzvah. Family special, boy to guests/parents, father, mother, more.
  • Eulogy. For a friend, for a sibling.
  • Graduation. Student council, high school valedictorian, high school reunion, etc.
And that's not a complete list.

Here's a quote from one of their customers:

I used to hate public speaking. Yes, HATE it. You know that statistic that says people fear speaking in public more than death? That's was me. Sweating, forgetting what I'm going to say, dizziness, anxiety; the list went on and on. I looked for years for a remedy to my problem and found nothing that worked ... until I found this program. After going through your public speaking course, using your tips and of course, using your incredible pre-written speeches, I'm 100, if not 1000 times more confident when in front of people.

I've gone from public paralysis to social sportsman. My position in the community, my social life and especially my income, all have your program to thank.

Scott Trimble

This site has been around since 1999, so you know you can trust them. Further, if you're not satisfied, there's a full money-back guarantee. The price is reasonable, from under $20 depending on the package you order.

If you're looking to get a good speech fast, I highly recommend checking out www.OccasionalWords.com.

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